"We don’t call Autumn the end of Summer, we don’t call Summer the beginning of Autumn (Genjo Koan)

Monday, August 9, 2010

On the death of my dear Old Teacher, Friend, Companion Robert Aitken Roshi

On the death of my dear Old Teacher, Friend, Companion,

Robert Aitken Roshi

What from an Old Buddha dies, is not the Old Buddha...
Heard Roshi died, and i send a heartfelt Hug and gassho to you friends.
And i write to him from my heart full of gratitude
Dear Roshi:
I remember the 40th anniversary of the Diamond Sangha, when i was there.
I remember it with good and deep memories of the place, the group, the Aina and your presence and teaching and interaction in the Dokusan room for so many years.
And i want to express my gratitude to you for that and your help in so many ways during those years that i appreciate and cherish so much, and have left so many teachings and memories in my heart and my walking. Deep thanks.
No doubt what you started as the Diamond Sangha will echo in time forever, and i hope will be a good seed for the new horizon that is so badly needed these days in this wounded earth.
I remember Koko An and Manoa Valley, as well as Palolo and the times we shared together. I remember, and feel grateful to life for them.
And i remember you quoting:
"A monk asked Ta-lung, "What is the 'minutely subtle?'"
Ta-lung said, "The breeze brings the voice of the water close to my pillow;
the moon carries the shadow of the mountain near to my couch."
And indeed this breeze here in distant Cordoba City brings the voice of the gecko, of the bells, and the smell of the Dojo so close that seems the ocean is right here in the backyard.
I also remember you saying:
Ta-lung said, "The mountain flowers bloom like brocade;
/ the river between the hills is blue as indigo."
I do not know about the mountain flowers blooming, neither i do about the river between the hills, i have so much to walk and lean that maybe for the 100th anniversary i will be able to say i know something.
But i do know in my heart the meaning and importance in my life and walking of your presence and the Diamond Sangha in those days we walked together the Dharma Aina.
I offer heartfelt and deep mahalo nui loa, respect, gratitude and love to you for all this.
Aloha O'e
A hui hou kakou
Nine bows.

Augusto Alcalde